
1 min readMar 5, 2024

I find the voices of this world too loud

To be in the world but not of it

Is a harder task than expected


I see everyone as the young ones say, an NCP

Falling in line with the roles given to them

But more than that I see the sadness in their eyes and regrets hiding in the quiver of their voice


I too can play the game of systematic greetings and feelings

But every night when I strip off the world the moon cries out

Reflecting on the hidden stars under my skin

Turing me into his first love, The Sun


I shine in the night

The outside world turned off

A world that never made sense

Free I shine in peace

To be at peace

To be the embodiment of the dim twinkle in the dead eyes of the NCP’s

A twinkle that’s been set free of mundane entities.




Author of King of Zara and Escape, both available now on Amazon and multiple platforms. Follow me on — Instagram: @newbornstar | Tiktok: @l.stitt